Sunday, December 16, 2012

Fruit and Vegetable Diet Cleanse - How Did I Lose 13 Pounds in 14 Days Eating Carbs?

How to Lose Weight and keep it off permanently Starting Today!

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I recently shared how I lost 13 pounds in 14 days doing a fruit and vegetable cleanse. I actually stayed on the cleanse for a total of 6 weeks (42 days) and lost 23 pounds total!

I ate lots of fresh whole fruits and tasty vegetables. I was never hungry. And with the system I followed, the weight came off fast.

I got some feedback that people were surprised I could lose weight eating so many carbohydrates.

So I thought it might be helpful to review the truth about good carbohydrates and bad carbohydrates so you can see that all carbs are definitely not created equal!

Carbs have been bashed a lot in the media, however, there really are good carbohydrates and in a balanced healthy diet there is room for plenty of the "good" ones.

What are good carbs? Good carbohydrates are complex carbohydrates. You find them in whole fresh foods like fruits and vegetables. They have not been processed and their molecular structure has not been altered. Our bodies are genetically set up to eat these foods. Good carbohydrates are filled with vitamins, minerals and other important nutrients that are necessary for good health. They also stabilize your blood sugar because of the way your body digests them.

On the other hand, "bad" carbs are the ones that break down in your body very rapidly and they cause a hefty surge of insulin that throws your blood sugar into disarray. Bad carbs also promote storage of fat on your body.

What are bad carbs? They are also known as simple carbohydrates and you mainly find them in the form of refined sugar and processed grain products.

Why do they break down in your body so fast? Because they are NOT whole foods - they are foods that have been altered through chemical processing in factories and many times the most nutritious parts of the foods have been removed during the process. Bad carbs are mostly found in packaged foods like pasta, crackers, white bread, baked goods and many other foods that are made predominantly with white flour and sugar and contain little or no fiber.

So how did I lose all that weight in such a short time eating a lot of carbohydrates?

My diet consisted primarily of good complex fresh whole food natural carbohydrates (i.e., lots of fruit and vegetables).

Despite everything you have heard about how carbohydrates can make you fat, if you stick with complex whole food "good" carbs you can lose weight fast just like I did.

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